Monday, June 20, 2016

21st Congress in Santiago de Chile

21st Congress in Santiago de Chile / Rafael León Rodríguez

Rafael Leon Rodriguez, 8 June 2016 — The 21st Congress of the Christian
Democratic Organization of America (CADO) ended on May 27the in the
Chilean capital. The Cuban Democratic Project (PRODECU) sent a
representation of its leadership to the event, composed of members
residing in Cuba and in the Diaspora, headed by Rosa María Rodríguez

The new leadership elected for the 2016-2019 period consists of Juan
Carlos Latorre as president and Francisco Javier Jara as Executive
Secretary. The outgoing president, Don Jorge Ocejo Moreno,
was unanimously elected first vice president of this new leadership. The
two vice presidencies of Special Affairs created in 20th Congress
remained: Rafael Leon of PRODECU and Eduardo Cardet of the Christian
Liberation Movement, both based in Cuba. For vice president of the
Caribbean area, Rene Hernandez Bequet of the Christian Democratic Party
of Cuba. was elected.

The conclave was attended, among other personalities, by the former
Chilean president Eduardo Frei, the President of the Republic of Chile,
Dr. Michel Bachelet, who devoted a few words to the audience gathered in
the old Palace of Congress, where this major meeting of Social
Christians of Our America was held

Source: 21st Congress in Santiago de Chile / Rafael León Rodríguez –
Translating Cuba -

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