Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cuba could be key to Caribbean basin

April 4, 2012, 12:01 a.m. EDT

Cuba could be key to Caribbean basin
By Patrick Burnson

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — With the Panama Canal expansion on
schedule for completion in 2014, supply chain specialists are
anticipating a logistical hub to surface in the Caribbean Basin.

For those investors and traders eyeing opportunities in Cuba, the timing
couldn't be better. As noted in the Wall Street Journal recently, money
managers are "optimistic" when it comes to finally eliminating this
nation's 50-year-old trade embargo. And initial barriers to entry should
not include logistics, say industry experts.

Furthermore, Cuba may not need outside expertise to cope with immediate
supply chain problems. According to some leading scholars and
practitioners, Cuba is a sterling example of how to manage "scarcity."
They note that operating under resource scarcity already exists there,
with businesses facing daily lack of food, medicine, electricity, and
raw materials. View MarketWatch slide show, "The revealing faces of
today's Cuba."

Despite this, the resourcefulness of Cuba's people has triumphed to some
extent. Reverse logistics experts observe that Cuba has created supply
chains that re-use and recycle almost everything, despite the lack of
government-mandated recycling programs. Indeed, such adaptation may
augur the type of closed loop supply chains needed by other emerging
nations in the future.

The long-term challenges around opening trade with Cuba would revolve
around the issues of customs and export compliance, in particular the
infrastructure to support the safe and fully documented movement of
those goods.

With a drive to increase levels of electronic clearance and export
documentation, the lack of investment in computerized systems — and the
integration of those systems into the U.S. import/export world — would
represent a complication, albeit a surmountable one, say compliance experts.

This could be ameliorated, however, by leveraging systems already in
place through Cuba's trade with the EU and Latin America, since our
trade embargo with Cuba is increasingly unique.

To the extent that it has the hard currency to support trade at all,
Cuba gets most of its imports from the EU and its neighbors to the
south. But this can change in a hurry. Automotive parts, technology and
manufacturing materials, as well as luxury items particular to the U.S.
market are likely to be in high demand.

That said, it is likely that over the long term, U.S.-based producers
would seek to build their own infrastructure within Cuba's boundaries in
order to better embed their business into the U.S. market.

According to the World Bank's Logistics Performance Index, Cuba already
performs in the median range. Cuba's economy is mostly state-controlled,
meaning most of the means of production are owned and run by the government.

The London-based Economist Intelligence, meanwhile, ranks the Cuban
business environment as one of the world's worst. In recent years, it
was placed as number 80 of 82 nations surveyed, with only Iran and
Angola rated lower. However, some forms of foreign investments and
private enterprise are allowed. The main sectors of the Cuban economy
are industrial production and sugar cultivation. In recent years,
tourism, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry are also gaining

Finally, U.S. investors might wish to look to another hemispheric
partner as a model for doing business with this tiny island nation:
Canada. Our northern neighbors figured out Cuba's supply chain long ago.

Canada's investment, trade and cultural links with Cuba are substantial.
In fact, Canada is the second-largest foreign investor in Cuba (after
Venezuela) and the third-ranking country in terms of joint ventures.
Canada is also Cuba's fourth-largest merchandise trade partner, behind
Venezuela, China, and Spain.

Analysts in Toronto report that a discernible pattern in Canada-Cuba
commercial relations to date is that trade has tended to follow
investment. In other words, a significant share of Canadian exports to
Cuba targets sectors with notable Canadian investments. This is
typically the result of an existing synergy between traders and
investors that provides clear advantages in the home country and makes
commercial sense, not necessarily because of a particular preference for
Canadian suppliers.

"Have a Havana?" The supply chain seems ready to oblige. But while rum
supplies are likely to meet U.S. demand, tobacco growers and cigar
manufacturers are likely to be overwhelmed with orders. As a
consequence, industry experts are forecasting a surge in that other
great Cuban export: counterfeit Figurados.

Patrick Burnson is executive editor of Supply Chain Management Review
and Logistics Management .

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