Translating Cuba
38 years old / Social and Occupational Therapist / Still detained in the
Police Station in Santiago de Cuba
Sign the petition to release Andrés Carrión, a Cuban who shouted at the
Papal Mass against the Castro Communist regime
Target: Human Rights International Organizations
On March 26, 2012 a brave Cuban man was violently beaten and arrested
during the mass held by Pope Benedict the XVI during his visit to CUBA.
Cuban government thugs dressed in the RED CROSS logo uniform beat him
with a stretcher over the head as he was dragged away for shouting "down
with communism", "Cubans are not FREE!". This violating his human right
to freedom of expression, which is has been Castro's COMMUNIST REGIME'S
As of today his physical address is totally unknown. We ask the help of
all International and Human Rights Organizations in saving the physical
integrity of this brave Cuban man. His is at risk of losing his life in
a CUBAN PRISON; furthermore, he will be used by the Cuban government as
an example to promote fear and silence amidst the CUBAN population in
order to prevent a national uprising.
El 26 de marzo de 2012, este valiente cubano fue violentamente golpeado
y detenido durante la misa celebrada por el Papa Benedicto XVI durante
su visita a CUBA. Matones del gobierno cubano vestidos con el uniforme y
el logo de la Cruz Roja lo golpearon con una camilla en la cabeza
mientras era arrastrado por gritar ¡"abajo el comunismo", "los cubanos
no son libres!". Esta violación de su derecho humano a la libertad de
expresión, que se ha estado régimen comunista de Castro n º 1 de
VIOLACIÓN POR SUS 53 AÑOS de la dictadura totalitaria.
A partir de hoy su estado físico es totalmente desconocido. Pedimos la
ayuda de todas las organizaciones internacionales y de derechos humanos
para salvar la integridad física de este cubano valiente. Corre el
riesgo de perder su vida en una prisión cubana, además, que será
utilizado por el gobierno cubano como un ejemplo para promover el miedo
y el silencio en medio de la población cubana con el fin de evitar un
levantamiento nacional.
1 April 2012
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