Tuesday, October 20, 2015


PIGS! / Mario Lleonart
Posted on October 20, 2015

Mario Lleonart, 18 October 2015 — For the second time they have lied
about a release date for prisoner-of-conscience (so designated by
Amnesty International) Danilo Maldonado, better known by his artistic
name "El Sexto" (The Sixth). First they announced his release for August
24. Then for September 15. But now we know they lied disgracefully on
both occasions.

The regime's own behavior regarding this prisoner of conscience shows
the relevance of the performance that he intended to put on when they
arrested him last December: "Animal Farm." They behaved like pigs, just
as he thought. His crime was to have the courage to label them with
exactly that description: PIGS! There is something Biblical about this!

When Christ cast out the legion of demons in Gadara, they took over a
herd of pigs that rushed into the sea, and there could not be a better
judgment against the Roman Empire. Jesus himself called Herod "FOX!" The
theological symbolism in the sacred texts whenever pigs are mentioned,
with their classification as unclean animals, is well known.

The young graffiti artist El Sexto, detached, and sometimes even
rejected from self-righteous church circles, has dared to do what all
Christians should have done a long time ago—shout prophetically! But he
has given new meaning to Christ's words: if you are silent, the stones
will cry out.

God bless all those who in an upcoming round of the #TodosMarchamos
campaign will raise their voices for all political prisoners or
prisoners of conscience who like El Sexto are victims of all kinds of
harassment in Cuban prisons. God bless even more those like Danilo who
dare to shout "pigs" at the tyrants. God have mercy on those who are
silent and become accomplices by their silence.

Source: PIGS! / Mario Lleonart | Translating Cuba -

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