Monday, October 19, 2015

Something Has to be Done

Something Has to be Done / Fernando Damaso
Posted on October 18, 2015

Fernando Damaso, 16 October 2015 — Some governments declare that they
are fighting and defeating the fundamentalists of the so-called Islamic
State, but the facts seem to negate their words: The fundamentalists are
expanding their territory, expelling the inhabitants, committing
horrendous crimes, destroying architectural, religious and artistic
jewels, which form part of humanity's heritage, raping and enslaving
women, girls and boys, and committing many more atrocities in an
interminable orgy of blood and terror, in the supposed name of religion.

Now Russia, together with Syria, Iran and other Arab countries, is
carrying out a crusade to exterminate them and re-establish peace and
coexistence in the affected regions. It's not easy to fight against an
irregular army, especially if it's made up of extremist fanatics coming
from many parts of the world. Russia, when it was part of the
now-extinct Soviet Union, in Afghanistan, and the United States in Iraq
and also in Afghanistan, have bitter memories of their experiences.

No one doubts that we need to liquidate the Islamic State because of the
present danger it represents, and for what it would mean for the world
if it triumphed, established itself, and consolidated: No citizen in any
country would be secure, nor live peacefully, before their rampant acts
of terrorism.

What's important is to do it well, with the effective participation of
the largest number of states possible. Every government must put aside
its particular interests of trying to obtain political and economic
advantages or conquering zones of influence, because the Islamic State
is the enemy of all of them.

Hopefully the definitive defeat will be accomplished for the good of
humanity, with the least possible number of casualties.

Translated by Regina Anavy

Source: Something Has to be Done / Fernando Damaso | Translating Cuba -

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