Monday, June 9, 2014

Cuba - Chikungunya Reported In Several Provinces

Cuba: Chikungunya Reported In Several Provinces

This past Friday, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported
for the first time, two imported chikungunya cases on the island
country; however, it appears that it may be worse than the PAHO reports.
Hablemos Press report reported Friday (computer translated), doctors at
the Vladimir Ilich Lenin University General Hospital, in the eastern
province of Holguín, are reporting cases of chikungunya fever in several
provinces including Guantánamo, Granma, Las Tunas, Santiago de Cuba, and
in Havana.

Hospitals report that they have notified the Cuban health ministry. This
has prompted the National Health System to secure a school building in
Holguín for quarantining infected patients.

Although health authorities are asking for the public's cooperation in
destroying mosquito breeding sites, the report says that government
health authorities are basically quiet on the subject.

The PAHO has reported a total of 135,427 confirmed and suspected cases
in 17 countries in the Latin and non-Latin Caribbean.

Source: Cuba: Chikungunya reported in several provinces - The Global
Dispatch -

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