Joint Statement By The Cuban Opposition Meeting in Mexico / 14ymedio
Posted on December 7, 2014
14ymedio, Mexico, 5 December 2014 — The meeting Roads for a Democratic
Cuba, held in Mexico, closed Thursday with a joint statement signed by
the attendees and focused on the consensus points necessary for
beginning a democratic transition on the Island.
We reproduce here the entire text of that statement:
We, representatives of diverse organizations and activists of Cuban
civil society from the Island and the Diaspora, meeting in Mexico City
under the auspices of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Christian
Democratic Organization of America, have had the opportunity to concur
on matters of common interest which we reflect below:
The urgent need for Cuba to move to democracy
The shared calling that this transition occur peacefully
The respect for diversity of non-violent methods of fighting
Understanding that it is up to Cubans to carry out actions that lead to
solving the problems of Cuba, taking into account the role of those who
live on the Island and the indispensable support that the Diaspora can
and should offer.
How beneficial it would be for the entities of civil society, political
actors, governments and international organizations from all over the
world to offer greater solidarity in defense of human rights in Cuba.
It is identified as one of the main challenges to work in search of
projects for unity of action and strategies for change. Similarly, it is
agreed to salute the existence of different projects with these features
aimed at achieving a Cuban democracy.
Recognizing the absence from this event of activists whom the Government
did not permit to leave the country and others who for various reasons
were not present.
Signed December 4, 2014.
Eliecer Avila: We Are More
Yaxys Cires Dib: Christian Democratic Party of Cuba
Manuel Cuesta Morua: Progressive Arc
Reinaldo Escobar: Journalist
Guillermo Farinas Hernandez: Patriotic Union of Cuba and
Anti-totalitarian United Front
Jorge Luis Garcia Perez Antunez: Orlando Zapata Tamayo National
Resistance Front
Rene Gomez Manzano: Agramontista Current, UNPACU
Eroises Gonzalez Suarez: Liberal Cuban Solidarity Party
Andres Hernandez Amor: Christian Democratic Party of Cuba
Rene Hernandez Bequet: Christian Democratic Party of Cuba
Rafael Leon Rodriguez: Cuban Democratic Project
Omar Lopez Montenegro: Latin American Center for Non-violence
German Miret: Human rights activist
Armando Pena Guzman: Christian Liberation Movement
Marfeli Perez-Estable: Academic
Julio Pichs: National Cuban American Foundation, Cuban Consensus
Vladimiro Roca Antunez: Social Democratic Party of Cuba
Rolando Rodriguez Lobaina: Eastern Democratic Alliance
Rosa Maria Rodriguez Torrado: Cuban Democratic Project
John Suarez: Cuban Democratic Leadership
Translated by MLK
Source: Joint Statement By The Cuban Opposition Meeting in Mexico /
14ymedio | Translating Cuba -
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