Saturday, November 21, 2015

Another Prisoner Swap?

Another Prisoner Swap? / Mario Lleonart / Mario Lleonart
Posted on November 21, 2015

Mario Lleonart, 30 October 2015 — Once again the name of Ernesto Borges
Pérez returns to the public arena, generating new expectations about his
release. He has served more than seventeen long years of the thirty to
which he was sentenced, after his death sentence was commuted at the
prosecutor's request. Ernesto's advance disclosure thwarted the illegal
infiltration into the U.S. of twenty-six Cuban spies, of the hordes
frequently sent there. But at the cost of seventeen unrecoverable years
from Ernesto's valuable life. Everything indicates that he is the
bargaining chip long set aside to trade for the spy Ana Belén Montes.*

Ernesto may finally go free and benefit from his heroic action, which by
any measure was invaluable, whatever the price paid. I hope that the
answer to the prayers we have raised for so long finally arrives.
Ernesto's parents Yvonne and Raul, elderly and ailing, can still
experience the greatest happiness of their lives. His brother Cesar, and
Paola, his only daughter, in exile, can laugh again. And he, with his
tremendous human virtues, strengthened in prison, can still be of great
benefit to a world greatly in need of heroes like him.

*Translator's note: The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency analyst
convicted in 2003 of spying for Cuba and sentenced to 25 years in
prison. See, e.g. "New Revelations About Cuban Spy Ana Montes."

Translated by Tomás A.

Source: Another Prisoner Swap? / Mario Lleonart / Mario Lleonart |
Translating Cuba -

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