Monday, November 12, 2012

The ‘Outraged’ of Cuba

The 'Outraged' of Cuba
November 8, 2012
Fernando Ravsberg*

HAVANA TIMES — Lourdes Machado is a Cuban from Santa Clara who spent $20
USD — the equivalent of her monthly salary — on a pair of shoes that
fell apart after only 30 days.

She went back to the store for a refund but the guarantee was only good
for a week (obviously they knew the "quality" of what they were selling).

Outraged, she had to turn to Pepe Alejandro (a kind of Ralph Nadar of
Cuban consumers), who had her story published in the Juventud Rebelde
newspaper with the hope that some authority would reply.

Lourdes is not the exception – she's the rule. In Cuba there are
millions of "indignados" who don't gather in protest but who can be
found at bus stops, doing paperwork in government offices, at butcher
shops, in warehouses and in hard-currency stores.

They have nowhere to turn when their own shoes fall apart, no one to
refund their hard-earned money or to sanction stores for selling shoddy
products or punish importers who spend millions buying foreign crap.

An acquaintance of mine (someone who used to import footwear and parts
for assembly in Cuba) told me that all of this is the result of the deal
made after bartering. When the purchasers ask "who makes the best
offer," he said they are referring to the money that goes into their

Illegal kickbacks received by Cuban importers from shoe factories are in
the tens of thousands of dollars. These bribes ultimately define the
quality of the purchases – with the higher the commission paid meaning
the lower the quality of the product.

This doesn't bother the importers. With the extra money they receive,
they can buy "pacotilla" (an assortment of products) for their families
while in China or on the return trips through Canada. I've never seen
any of these buyers or their family members wearing shoes that they
themselves selected for importing.

This happens everywhere. In the most expensive supermarket in Havana
they sell the cheapest brands from Spain at prices that would make the
most money-grubbing speculator blush.

From one day to the next they'll tack on a 30 percent increase to the
price of everyday rice, selling if for more than a $1.40 USD a pound.

They charge three, four, or five times more than what the products sell
for in supermarkets in Europe; yet despite their staggering profits they
fail to provide good customer service, they close early and they add on
"multas" ("premiums") to the prices of items.

The store managers are always "in a meeting" or resting because "they
can't spend all day here," my contact explained.

When we complained about one of those "multas," the management offered
to give us another product for free in an attempt to shut us up, but
they didn't offer us the opportunity to put our complaint down in writing.

Outraged Cubans have a "voice," but there's no use in isolated protests
as long as there are no institutional "ears" that will hear them.
Citizens' outrage and indignation should become the starter motor for
putting solutions in motion.

The country is crying out for an Office of Consumer Advocacy, just like
the National Office of the Comptroller was needed at the macro level.
Moreover, the combined action of both institutions could serve to
require importers and store managers alike to respect parameters of
quality that are in line with prices.

I'm sure that many of the cases, which might begin with a simple protest
about a sole that came off of a pair of shoes, would end up in the hands
of the Comptroller General of the Republic and subsequently become part
of major corruption trials.

The establishment of such a mechanism is important in all parts of the
world, but in Cuba it's much more vital because the state monopolizes
all domestic trade.

Yet for those who are corrupt, it's easy to label any protest as being
"anti-government" or "political," even if it only has to do with poor
quality, overpricing or a "multa."

A consumer advocate or ombudsman's office would radically change this
perception because it would be an instrument of the government directed
at protecting its own citizens from the abuses of store managers. The
government would cease being the "bad guy" and would be seen as an ally
of the people.

When the Cuban Revolution began, it claimed itself to be of the poor,
for the poor and by the poor. What we can see now is that the greatest
beneficiaries of a Consumer Advocate Office would be precisely those
people who are poor (the overwhelming majority), those who should be
able to spend their meager incomes in the most efficient ways possible.
(*) An authorized HT translation of the original in Spanish published by
BBC Mundo.

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