Tuesday, August 16, 2016

In Puerto Rico, Cubans Call for a Commission Against Impunity

In Puerto Rico, Cubans Call for a Commission Against Impunity /
14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, San Juan, 15 August 2016 — The emergence of
a new opposition partnership called the Conference of the Cuban National
Congress is the most notable result of the event that has gathered in
Puerto Rico 65 organizations from the island and in exile.

After lengthy and complex discussions in which there was laughter and
tears, reasoned arguments and passionate declarations, lights and
shadows… in short, Cubans. An agreement has been reached to forge an
integrated structure with a Coordination Committee composed of 22
elected representatives.

Work has been assigned on different fronts distributed among 11 working
committees, including ones assigned IT and communications, the press,
popular consultation, Human Rights and one to address political
prisoners and their families. Like any other organization, some working
committees will deal with international relations, finance and legal
affairs. Leading each committee is one representative from the island
and one from exile. These coordinators will appoint a minimum of three
and a maximum of five members to their respective committees, and will
provide a report on their work every three months.

The principal declaration from the event that expresses the consensus on
the new Cuba proposed at the Second Cuban National Conference, ratified
the Democracy Agreement of 1988 as containing the elements needed to
reconstruct the new Republic of Cuba, which had been ratified in the
previous conference held in August of 2015.

The Declaration supports "the establishment of a commission against
impunity" and, in response to the demands of several organizations, it
proposes to "retroactively audit the management of existing companies in
Cuba with the intention of respecting the conventions of the
International Labor Organization." Similarly, with clear perspective on
the future, it proposes the need to implement "measures that guarantee
transparency and integrity and fight corruption in public management and
the electoral process of the new Republic of Cuba."

Telecommunications was a topic at the meeting. In the accords, the US
government was asked to seek an accord with the Cuban government to
connect an internet cable between the two countries and to ask the
American company Google to establish an appropriate policy to provide
uncensored internet via wifi. In addition, it denounced the violation of
the internet giant's code of conduct for its indifference to the Cuban
people in this regard.

Telecommunications were present at the meeting. In the agreements, the
US government to seek an agreement with Cuba to connect an Internet
cable between the two countries and the US company Google to establish a
correct policy to provide uncensored internet via wifi was claimed was
requested. In addition, the violation of the code of conduct Internet
giant was denounced for its indifference to the Cuban people in this regard.

As is usual in this type of meeting opposition activists and civil
society residents on the island manage to get together with Cuban exiles
there were immeasurable parallel results that over the long term will
open new contacts and support the emergence of diverse indicatives.

The results of the agreements reached will not have an immediate effect,
but progress has been made, despite the inevitable differences among
personalities, given those who only understand unity when it goes their
way, along with all the pessimism and the overcoming of exhaustion and
induced suspicions.

The composition of the Coordinating Council of the Congress of the Cuban
National Conference is (in alphabetical order by last name).

Composition of the Coordinating Board of the Cuban National Congress (In
alphabetical order by last name).

Chosen by the Island

Eliecer Ávila: Somos+
Henry Constantín: Proyecto La Hora de Cuba
Guillermo Fariñas: Foro Anti Totalitario Unido (Fantu)
Jorge Luis García Pérez (Antúnez): Frente de Resistencia Orlando Zapata
René Gómez Manzano: Corriente Agramontista de Abogados Independientes
Juan Carlos González Leyva: Consejo de Relatores de Derechos Humanos
Iván Hernández Carrillo: Confederación de Trabajadores Independientes de
Mario Félix Lleonart: Instituto Patmos
Damaris Moya Portieles: Coalición Central Opositora
Félix Navarro: Partido por la Democracia Pedro Luis Boitel
Rolando Rodríguez Lobaina: Alianza Democrática Oriental

Chosen by the Exile

Ana Carbonell:Instituto de la Rosa Blanca
Pedro Fuentes: Consejo Presidio Político Cubano
René Hernández: Partido Demócrata Cristiano de Cuba
Faisel Iglesias: Fundación Nuevo Pensamiento Cubano
Augusto Monge: Free Cuba Foundation
Rosa María Payá: Fundación para la Democracia Panamericana
Pedro M. Peñaranda: Círculo Democrático Municipalista
Mario Rivadulla: Unión de trabajadores cubanos de la comunicación social
y la cultura.
Ramón Saúl Sánchez: Movimiento Democracia
Julio M. Schiling: Patria de Martí
Guillermo Toledo: Cubanos Unidos de Puerto Rico

Source: In Puerto Rico, Cubans Call for a Commission Against Impunity /
14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar – Translating Cuba -

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